My Neighbours Next Door: A project during COVID-19 isolation in 2020
Last year, seconds before the Raptors won the NBA Championship, I was standing in front of my TV watching the end of the game. When I turned to look outside, I saw most of my neighbours in the condo building across the street standing in the glow of their TVs, just like me. This quickly turned into all of us cheering out from our windows and balconies, and listening to the entire city roar. That experience I got to share with my neighbours is something I'll never forget, and something I feel so fortunate to have experienced living here.
Now, almost a year later, I look out my window and am reminded that even in a time where we're isolated at home, we're all sharing in this experience together. In light of this (and due to my wildly open schedule), I wanted to have some fun and capture the warmness of community, even between strangers in neighbouring buildings. So I contacted the building next door with a call to my neighbours to help me capture some condo-style “front porch” photos, from my balcony to theirs—and I got some takers.
The experiences we share together, like sharing the responsibility to isolate at home, or sharing the city-wide celebration of the Raptors winning the NBA Championship, or sharing some joy between our balconies with a bright smile and a wave, are all experiences I will never forget. A huge thanks to my neighbours who have reminded me of the power we have to lift each other up when we come together, and who brought some beautiful light to me this weekend.